Government Impact Team Update – August 15th

Government Impact Team Update – August 15th

Poll Observers and Poll Workers Needed for the General Election

  • Primary Elections are complete and Arizona Republicans smashed turnout records! We have recorded more votes than any Primary Election in the state’s history. There is no doubt a Red Wave is coming this November. 
  • Now the real work begins as Biblical Citizens as we head towards the General Election on November 8th. Our trained grassroots army will lead us to victory in November.
  • We are in the 2nd largest county for voters in the entire United States.  There will be 254 locations open on General Election Day in Maricopa County alone!
  • That said, our county needs Poll Workers and Poll Observers from both parties to participate in our Elections.  See below for options to be an Observer and/or Worker.
  • Either position will take you through a short training to qualify you for these easy tasks and you get to decide when, where and how much you work.
  • Please show up and be counted among our Nation’s Patriots. You will be glad you did. Guaranteed!
  • If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to any of the GIT Team Members.

How to be a Poll Observer (Volunteer Position)

  • It is important that there are Republican observers present to deter potential suspicious activity at the polling stations.
  • Poll Observer are trained to sit at voting locations and watch the process for any issues such as long wait lines, improper procedures and ensure election integrity.  You will be given a list of Do’s and Don’ts, but this really is a simple process of just being that set of eyes to deter suspicious activity and help ensure voters are not intimidated in any way.  You will be given a hotline to call for urgent issues seen and a website to document/notify the party officials to follow up on any issues seen.
  • As a Poll Observer you will be trained and credentialed by the county chair for your respective party.  Each polling location is allowed one Republican and one Democrat to observe. 
  • You can sign up for what days  (typically half day shifts) and/or locations to work through an online system available to you once you have been credentialed.  You choose your schedule!
  • If you would like to help out and volunteer as an Observer for the Republican Party, please follow this link.  
  • Generally speaking this training will occur in September to be prepared for the first polling locations opening in October.

How to be a Poll Worker (Paid Position as a Temporary Election Worker)

  • Poll Workers go through a bit more training and are actually paid $13/hour to work the polling locations.  These positions require you to work full days at a polling location, but most locations are only open 1 or 2 days (meaning November 7th and/or 8th only).  You are also paid for your training time.
  • There are 10 to 50 or so locations that stage opening for voting starting about 25 days prior to Election Day. Around the week of Oct 10th about 10 or so sites will open for early voting, and then another 40 or so open up about a week before Election Day (Nov. 8th). The remaining 200 or so locations are only open Nov 7th and 8th to Work.
  • These positions are Maricopa County hired positions, so one must go to the County Elections department to be hired as a Poll Worker.  Note that they can use any party affiliation to be a poll worker and in fact have some requirements to have at least two registered people from each of the major parties at each location.  
  • There are 7 to 13 workers at each voting location, and they will start you out as a clerk typically so there are plenty of simple jobs and folks to help guide you as you work.
  • If you would like to help out and can commit to at least one full day (November 8th probably 15 hour day – 5:30am to 8 or 9 pm) or two days (Nov 8th and also Nov 7th from 8:30am to 5pm) as the days the most workers are needed, please follow this link to Get Involved. This link is used for any party affiliation. 

Look forward to Hearing from Pastor Eric Closer to the General Election

  • Pastor Eric will be presenting a Series on being a Biblical Voter providing a Non-partisan review of Critical Issues that are Key to Faith-based Voters.
  • Again, if you have any questions about this information or being a poll worker or observer, please do not hesitate to reach out to any member of the GIT team.  Many of us have done both of these jobs!